Sunday, February 3, 2008

Yarn is Fun!

Hi Everyone! I'm a newbie on the Shopping Can be Fun blog. I would like to introduce you to my shop and tell you a few things about myself.

My shop's name is Rest and Harmony: Yarn Creations.

I learned how to crochet when I was a little kid and have always found it to be relaxing. It's also a good way for me to be productive when I am sitting still. (I might have ADD; who knows.) When I crochet, I mostly make small flat things, like pot holders.

When I was a teenager, my grandma tried to teach me how to knit. I really didn't get the hang of it, but a few years ago, I picked it back up again. I enjoy knitting just as much as crocheting. Just like crocheting, however, I mostly make flat objects, like scarves. I have made a few hats; there's one in my shop. I have found, however, that there are so many really good hat makers on Etsy, that I don't think I could compete.

My treasure bags are a personal creation that I just came up with one day when I was trying to figure out to do with some extra yarn scraps that I had lying around. There are two different designs of treasure bags. The crocheted version have square bottoms, and the knitted version have round bottoms.

Check them out! I think you will like them a lot!

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